A Digital Shrine to Plutus

Welcome, traveler, to a place devoted to Plutus. May the living god of wealth smile upon you.

A Temple of Abundance

About Plutus

Plutus, the ancient Greek god of wealth and abundant harvests, was often seen as a child holding a cornucopia overflowing with grains and coins. He embodied the prosperity that springs forth from honest labor and good fortune, although he did give to both the upright and corrupt, which is simply the nature of wealth. Though blinded, Plutus dispensed wealth without prejudice, giving to mortals and gods alike. In these modern times, we have built this shrine to honor Plutus and invite his riches to flow through the coffers of those who offer devotion.

Note, however, that this is an explicitly modern take on venerating Plutus, although it uses the aesthetics of ancient Greece. Ancient myths will be mixed with cutting edge technology and modern spiritual techniques, as the gods are not dead, but have been living on, waiting for us to remember them and seek their aid. As such, this is not a completely reconstructionist veneration, but a living tribute to a living god.

Devotional Images

Aristophanes's play Plutus

The ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes wrote a play in which Plutus is the central figure, appropriately called Plutus, which can be read here.


Plutus's Parents

Plutus is most commonly believed to be the son of Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest and agriculture. His father was the mortal Iasion, who was the founder of the mysteries on the island of Samothrace. Some place him as originally being the son of Hades and Persephone, but this is highly disputed.

A Prayer to Plutus

Hail, Plutus! Giver of wealth, source of great abundance!
May your horn of plenty overflow with grain and coins into my eager hands.
Impartially you give, but I have crafted a promise,
That you would not regret the gifts that you bestow upon me.

Ever giving, ever impartial, Give now from your cornucopia!

A Few Thoughts on Wealth

Plutus has blessed my family amply, who gained their wealth through hard work and fortunate investments. While Plutus had few shrines devoted to him in ancient times, he has a little place in my house with a candle with a sigil that is a symbol of our bond. While Plutus may give to corrupt people, I feel it is my responsibility to use my existence amongst wealth to enrich the world with creativity, poetry, music, and other luxuries that I can afford to spend time on. It is a gut-wrenching thing to see the mendacious, the criminals, and dictators amass great wealth, but the truth is, Plutus aids those who seek him.

He seems most inclined to help those who study the "how" of the way money works, who put the effort into learning the truth about how to amass wealth without expecting it to just fall into their lap. Then again, you never know--it might just fall into your lap some day.

It is my opinion that one should be kind to those of all financial stripes, as this fosters a sense of unity in society, and also because it simply makes the world a kinder, better place. With wealth comes responsibility, both to the world and oneself, and one should not go into wealth blind, spending willy-nilly and expecting not to go broke. One should also be very selective with their friends, but not feel condescension toward those with less money than oneself.

So many people go into this world seeking wealth, but when they find it, they spend it on a life of dissipation. This is not how it should be, and one should always get financial advice. If one should amass their fortune and live off of the accumulating interest from it, they should be happy with that. Leave that Ferrari alone!

My roots are in the working class, where work is the purpose of life, only ending in retirement. This wealth that my family has was earned by my parents, who now live in their elderly days without financial burdens, and will one day pass it on to me, if I live that long. I did not choose to be the only son of two people who gained wealth through work and investment, but now I am their sole heir, and it will be my responsibility, with Plutus, to be wise with my money one day, and though Plutus may give wealth blindly, it is my job and mine alone to be gracious to others.

Offer a Tribute

If you wish to make an offering, we accept digital tributes. Let the flow of wealth return the energy you put in a hundred-fold.

A harvest of grains and coins